Selasa, 17 November 2009

Buitenzorg City

Bogor, kota seribu angkot... Tujuan jalan-jalan ngga jelas waktu itu...
Kebiasaan kalo nganggur suka nyari-nyari kegiatan, waktu itu kami bertiga (aku, Ali, dan Yuli) secara ngga sengaja dan direncana keluar kosan, dan memutuskan untuk ke Bogor aja. Udah lama ngga nyium bau daun dan pepohonan, yang susah sekali kami dapatkan di ibukota. Ni sebagian foto-fotonya....

inside the train pic by me

inside the train (2)
pic by me

inside the train (3) pic by me

inside the train (4)
pic by me

Master Aliy
pic by me

rest in peace
pic by me

rest in peace (2)
pic by me

rest in peace (3)
pic by me

rest in peace (4)
pic by me

pic by me

rest in peace (5)
pic by me

pic by me

pagar duri di luar istana
pic by me

bogor palace
pic by me

bogor palace (2)
pic by me

pic by me

si Yuli
pic by me

lotus pond
pic by me

lotus pond (another angle)
pic by me

lotus pond
pic by me

lotus pond (another angle)
pic by me

lotus pond...two
pic by me

lotus pond...three
pic by me

lotus pond...lot
pic by me

pic by me

pic by me

seberapa dalam ya?
pic by me

pic by me

another lotus pond
pic by me

kumpul bocah tepi kolam
pic by me

kumpul bocah tepi kolam (2)
pic by me

soccer time
pic by me

soccer time (kecak hand?)
pic by me

soccer time (lelah)
pic by me

jembatan merah
pic by me

keceriaan keluarga
pic by me

cute baby
pic by me

cute baby (2)
pic by me

cute baby (3)
pic by me

bunga apa ya...lupa...
pic by me

bunga apa ya...lupa... (2)
pic by me

pic by me

Perjalanan kami di Kebun Raya Bogor kala itu ditutup oleh monumen untuk mengenang Olivia Mariame, istri dari Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles.

"on thou whom neer my constant heart"
"one moment math forgot"
"tho fate severe math bid us part"
"yet still forget me not"

2 komentar:

RikaNurmala mengatakan...

krn sy tdk mengerti masalah fotografi jd cm mau berkomentar..bisa nitip anaknya 1 ga? lucuu....:D

pijakbumi mengatakan...

@rika : Kalo nitip ada biayanya... :D :D